Save on electricity bills.

In the coming years, the data center industry will face growing pressure to find workable ways to integrate renewable energy sources into projects. The demand is being driven by two trends: the growth of corporate social responsibility programs that focus on carbon neutrality, and the potential for federal legislation in the U.S. that will place caps on carbon emissions.
Companies with the largest data centers, such as Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft are leading the way as they have the economies of scale to make such efforts more productive. In addition, they have the money to apply to such projects, and typically have corporate cultures where environmental issues are of high importance to their employees and stockholders.
Your company may not be in the same league as Apple or Google but your datacenters might not chew up as much power either. Renewable energy is still worth looking into. The answer to your energy costs may be greatly reduced by the implementation of a backup system.
Implementing a better backup system than merely and UPS backup system. Our system will allow you to charge either from sun or generator until power comes back. Having solar will allow you to reduce cost and Fossil fuel.
Attend to critical areas or functions like, ventilation, security appliances and others, by areas or circuits.
Savings in your operation by having a mixed application of energy source on schedule.
Maximized the use of your generators by using only the needed energy
There are still many untapped opportunities to harness the nation’s nearly limitless solar potential. The United States has the technical potential to produce more than 100 times as much electricity from solar photovoltaic (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP) installations as the nation consumes each year.
Puerto Rico
In Puerto Rico, many of these technologies could quickly be applied to the different industries that were heavily compromised during the tragic events of Hurricane Maria. There it is nearly 325 laboratories small and large that will benefit greatly in leading an initiative and establish a new frontier for renewability and sustainability as alleviating the all ready to compromise electrical infrastructure.
The losses were in the billions during the last devastating hurricane season. Maria paralyzed and crippled others during this time. Considering the new alternatives that we have to offer along with the capacity of customizing that distinguish our systems it is now an option available to everyone.
The supermarkets during this time were not the exception. Billions in groceries were loss and provisions quickly perished by the lack of a contingency plan and other facilities were depending on generator alone, consuming large amounts of fuel. These situations added pollution, in some cases disturbances in enclosed neighborhoods.


Flat and vacant rooftops of these large buildings are perfect locations for solar panels – they are larger and almost always fully exposed to the sun. The big box stores, large grocery stores, and malls considered in this report account for 5 percent of electricity use in the United States. Solar panels produce energy that can offset this large electricity demand while contributing to a cleaner grid.
Putting solar panels on the nation’s big-box grocery and retail stores creates unique benefits for the environment, electricity customers, and the large commercial businesses themselves.
A Closer Look
Generating clean electricity from rooftop solar panels on existing commercial buildings is good for the environment. The installation of 62.3 GW of clean solar power on America’s big box stores and shopping centers would reduce global warming pollution by nearly 57 million metric tons annually – equivalent to taking nearly 12 million passenger vehicles off the road.
Rooftop solar power is good for the grid and electricity consumers. Producing electricity on rooftops, close to where the electricity will be used, reduces losses that happen during electricity transmission – losses that totaled an estimated 203 million megawatt- hours (MWh), or 5 percent of electricity sales in 2012. Solar power also reduces costs by producing the most electricity during the sunniest parts of the day, which are often when demand for electricity peaks.
This helps utilities avoid firing up expensive, peaking power plants to meet the temporary rise in demand.
Putting solar panels on the roofs of big box stores is good for business. Electricity produced by rooftop panels on big box stores and shopping centers could offset the annual electricity use of these buildings by 42 percent, saving these businesses $8.2 billion annually on their electricity bills.
​​Many big box retail stores are already reaping the benefits of installing solar power on their rooftops.
Of the businesses evaluated by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), Walmart, Costco, Kohl’s, IKEA, and Macy’s were the retail giants
with the most solar capacity installed as of the end of 2015. Walmart has at least 142 MW of total on-site installed solar capacity.
The 10 big box companies with the largest amount of retail space in the U.S. – Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Lowe's, Sears Holdings (including Sears and KMart), Macy's, J.C. Penney, Kohl's, Costco, and TJX (including Marshall's and TJMaxx) – have enough rooftop space to host approximately 17 GW of solar capacity on their retail stores, or nearly three quarters of the United States’ current solar PV capacity.
Solar-powered businesses are saving money on their electricity bills and contributing to a cleaner and more resilient electricity grid. By installing solar panels on two California stores, Costco reported savings of $300 per day on average over three months.

According to the Union of Scientists, many farmers already produce renewable energy by growing corn to make ethanol. An increasing number of farmers and ranchers are now adding to their incomes by harvesting the wind that blows across their land to make electricity. And new options are becoming available. Renewable energy and farming are a winning combination. Wind, solar, and biomass energy can be harvested forever, providing farmers with a long-term source of income. Renewable energy can be used on the farm to replace other fuels or sold as a "cash crop."
The Savings
The amount of energy from the sun that reaches Earth each day is enormous. All the energy stored in Earth's reserves of coal, oil, and natural gas is equal to the energy from only 20 days of sunshine. While desert areas such as Arizona and Nevada get more sun than other parts of the United States, most areas receive enough sunshine to make solar energy practical. Solar energy can be used in agriculture in a number of ways, saving money, increasing self-reliance, and reducing pollution. Solar energy can cut a farm's electricity and heating bills. Solar heat collectors can be used to dry crops and warm homes, livestock buildings, and greenhouses. Solar water heaters can provide hot water for dairy operations, pen cleaning, and homes. Photovoltaics (solar electric panels) can power farm operations and remote water pumps, lights, and electric fences. Buildings and barns can be renovated to capture natural daylight, instead of using electric lights. Solar power is often less expensive than extending power lines.